
You should already know about Widgets since they were discussed in your reading assignments in Week 1.  If you have not completed those readings in the WordPress text, please do so now.

Here is a little helpful information regarding the adding and deleting of Widgets.  First, you need to be at the main page for your blog (mine is kingumhb.wordpress.com). Second, mouse over your name at the top left of the page.  Select the Widgets options from the drop-down menu. Third, follow the instructions on that page for adding and deleting widgets.


Embedding a video – Option 1

This post should be helpful when you are expected to embed/post a video to your MAIN blog page – not on additional pages – along with text that goes with the video.

This blog post explains one additional way to accomplish this.

First create the text that will accompany your blog post – and publish it.

Then go to your dashboard.  When you get to the dashboard, select POSTS.  Then select ALL POSTS. Move the mouse pointer over the page that you just published.  Select EDIT.  Move your mouser pointer to the very end of the contents of your text. Then at the top of the page select ADD MEDIA. Then on the left side of the page select INSERT FROM URL. Copy the link to your video into the first blank box at the top of the page. Be sure to type a title for your video into the second blank box on the page. Then click INSERT INTO POST at the bottom of the page.

That is how I got this video embedded into my blog entry.



Embedding a video to your blog post – Option 2

At some point, you are going to be asked to find a YouTube video that is related to the subject of your blog and manually embed that video into your blog (**This is not a link!!**).  While this is easier to do with plugins, we cannot use plugins on the free WordPress.com sites.  There is great HELP on pgs. 235-236 of your WordPress book.

For a little bit different way of embedding videos, watch this video – which by the way is embedded from YouTube.

There are also other ways to embed videos. You may use any method you wish. But you have to embed the video, not just provide a link to YouTube.